

Consider events in a yin/yang way...
For example: your car breaks down and you must evaluate the cost of fixing it, the frequency of repairs - balanced against the cost of replacing it.
Do you put money into an old car and risk that it breaks down again?
Or buy a new car and get a breakdown/repair warranty?

If you repair the old car, it may cost less in the short-term but maybe more in the long-term.
A new car means peace of mind but also monthly HP to pay.
A new car means no immediate repair cost on the old car but long-term financing of new.
The old car is bought and paid for but essentially worthless (beyond its function) whereas a new car is financed but may have a greater future trade-in value.

Can you see the thinking process behind yin/yang?
This constant dual perception of every event?
No event is just one thing and the yin/yang principle can be applied repeatedly, relative to different nuances, factors and variables.

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