That depends entirely upon you. Everyone is
different. There are so many variables.
Have you set aside some time every day for practice?
How long is it?
Do you bring preconceptions with you to lessons?
What are your expectations?
Did you think it would be easy?
Are you open and receptive?
Do you have some plan/ambition in mind?
Are you reading taoist texts regularly?
Is tai chi chuan part of your life or a one-a-week night school class?
Do you train with other students between classes?
Have you any existing health problems that might impede training?
Is your body entrenched in hard-style habits of resistance and stiffness?
When you train at home, is your recollection good or poor?
Do you respond well to corrections in class?
Can you admit your mistakes?
Do you learn from them?
Have you committed to private lessons as well as regular classes?
What is your awareness like?
If things do not work for you, do you become aggressive and push?
Where is your focus?