
Shedding the insincerity

People are not so keen to shed all the rubbish they have accumulated.
The image. The reputation. The opinions. The viewpoint. The politics. The money. The possessions.

However, the very things that we hide behind and cling to so desperately are the very things that blind us from reality.

You don't empty the mind just to lobotomise yourself; it's not mindlessness.

You empty it so that it can be refilled by what you're experiencing. It's empty of the chatter, it's empty of the neurotic anxiety, it's empty of preconceived notions, it's empty of opinions, it's empty of politics, it's empty of social conventions, and if you empty your mind of all that, it's a cleansing process.

Then you can allow it to be filled by the true experience of what you're doing.

 (Paul Gale)