
The essence of tai chi

When applied to tai chi, The Science of the Essence causes the student to really examine, contemplate and research the design elements that led to the creation of tai chi chuan.
Understanding these factors enables the student to recognise the differences in tai chi styles, systems and approaches.
Why certain schools emphasise particular qualities which others discard.

By studying taoism, The Tai Chi Classics, biomechanics and combat applications (featuring a wide variety of scenarios) a more informed, in-depth, discerning eye is cultivated.
Opinions, expectations and hearsay are replaced by a growing insight into the nature of the art.

Ultimately a student can learn what the essence of tai chi is.
Their training can be honed to accentuate these factors and draw them out.
The tai chi can become something that Yang Lu-chan would not be embarrassed by.

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