
Why is yielding an edge?

If you yield to the moment, you do not prepare in advance. You move as the situation requires you to move. 
 No dithering. No telegraphing. Quiet. Calm. Decisive.

 If you yield to gravity, your limbs become heavier and you can deliver far greater power by using their inert weight.

 If you yield to the flow, you focus on the movement of kinetic energy itself, instead of the localised limb action. 
 You generate a tremendous body-wave of focussed power with every movement.

 If you yield to your opponent's actions, you do not meet strength with strength. 
 You flow around obstacles and change instantly without the need to relax beforehand or make plans in your head. 
 Strength can be borrowed, utilised and turned back upon itself. Force can be circumvented.

 If you yield to contact, you can use 4 ounces of pressure to deflect 1000 pounds. 
 Your touch becomes spidery and your peng is a web of softness and stickiness; controlling without forcing and re-directing without committing.

 If you yield to the centre, you maintain your equilibrium and find balance at all times. 
 You never over-reach or compromise yourself. 
 The body remains soft and heavy, with each footstep grounded and firm.

 If you yield to softness, jing is possible. 
 With jing, kinetic energy is freed and your journey towards fa jing commences. 
 Effortless striking becomes possible.

 If you yield to composure, you begin to see things more clearly. 
 The clouds of emotion fade and you can act without anger or aggression. 
 You feel to have more time and more favourable options.

 If you yield to humility, you cease to attract unwanted attention. 
 Your journey through life becomes an easier one. 
 You upset fewer people and offer a deceptively innocuous appearance to others.

 If you yield to the material, you learn so much more quickly. 
 Resistance fades and old habits disappear. 
 You become sensitive and adaptive, fluid and surprising. 
 Your responses occur without premeditation and your nervous system moves easily and softly.

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